Etsy is the world’s most vibrant handmade marketplace. We connect consumers with independent creators and designers to find the very best in handmade goods, while providing these artists with the technology and information they need to start and grow their own businesses. Etsy is a community that actively supports one another in the shared goal of offering alternatives to mass-produced objects. We work to highlight the true value of handmade goods and their creators and encourage awareness of the social and environmental implications of production and consumption. We created Etsy to reconnect producer and consumer, and swing the pendulum back to a time when we bought our bread from the baker, food from the farmer, and shoes from the cobbler. Visit:
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ST.PAUL, MN.The Dates
- BlogHer Handmade Social Media Panels
- TCC 60 Handmade Workshops
- Vogue Knitting Day 20 knitting workshops
- MaryJanesFarm Day 20 food and cooking classes
- Market Place The place for unique handmade items, products, food demonstrations, and over 48 of your favorite authors autographing their books. Open Friday 1:30 pm - 9:30 pm & Saturday 10 am - 6 pm