Annie Modesitt / VOGUEknitting
Annie is part of our VOGUEknitting Day. She’s been knitting professionally for many years. I was happy to read that she doesn’t believe in any “wrong” ways to knit, but many “right” ways to knit. I like that. She’s teaching 2 classes for us. Combination Knitting– Annie will be blending the best of both worlds. She’ll blend the Eastern way of knitting and the Western way of knitting. I guess we really can all get along. She claims by blending, it’s faster and much less stressful on the wrists. She also claims that it’s easy for beginners to pick up and great for seasoned knitters who are interested in learning a different way. Her second class is Intermediate Knitting. How do you know if you’re intermediate? She measures it by having passion. If you’re passionate about knitting, then you’re intermediate. She’ll introduce you to a potpourri of knitting tips, tricks and hints. She also says you’ll have fun! We like fun! Annie’s also from the St. Paul area and plans to ride her bike to THE CREATIVE CONNECTION. You can read Annie’s blog for more.
Kim Stoegbauer – The TomKat Studio /MARYJANESFARM Day
I have had the pleasure of meeting Kim a couple of times. Let me tell you, she is as sweet as she looks. And the girl can throw together a party in no time. I attended two of her cupcake parties and was stunned by her arrangements.
During Kim’s class, Creating Fabulous Parties, she will teach you to use simple techniques to give your parties a not so simple look. Kim has been featured on Martha Stewart’s Dreamers and Doers, as well as many magazine publications. Jo spent some time with Kim recently for a photo shoot that we think you’ll really enjoy in our Autumn 2011 Where Women Create publication. Kim will be signing magazines during our Author Party. You can read more about Kim on her blog.
Wendy Addison & Kaari Meng – TCC HANDMADE
You are one lucky person if you’ve decided to take these classes. You get both of these unbelievably talented ladies to teach you how to make either Bibelot Charme Workshop or the Boite de Bijoux Workshop.
Both of these classes will have you fingering vintage notions, ribbons, glitter and more as they guide you through the process of making beautiful art.
Both Wendy and Kaari are well known names in the creative world. Wendy’s designs can be seen in Tinsel Trading Company in NYC; Midwest of Cannon Falls; West Elm; and gift stores everywhere. She also has her new wedding collection in Anthropology. It’s not everyday you have the opportunity to take a class from someone with so much notoriety. That’s what you’ll find at TCC. You’ll find yourself either sitting next to or taking classes from people you’re used to seeing in the magazines.
Kaari also designs for Anthropology. She has started teaching out of her shop, French General in Los Angeles. She loves all things vintage and loves teaching people to create with vintage materials. With many books and magazine publications under her belt, we’re also confident you’ll enjoy the classes she is c0-teaching with Wendy.
Written by Kim Demmon ~ Today’s Creative Blog
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These workshops look wonderful! Wishing I were closer to attend!
What a beautiful combination of work and livelihood! What wonderful gifts are being given! Truly a feast for the eye and spirit.